

業務でrspecを書いた時に遭遇したこの事象。原因はlet / let!に関する理解の甘さでした。n番煎じではありますが、備忘としてまとめておきたいと思います。




module ClassMethods  ...  def let(name, &block) # We have to pass the block directly to `define_method` to # allow it to use method constructs like `super` and `return`. raise "#let or #subject called without a block" if block.nil? # A list of reserved words that can't be used as a name for a memoized helper # Matches for both symbols and passed strings if [:initialize, :to_s].include?(name.to_sym)raise ArgumentError, "#let or #subject called with reserved name `#{name}`" end our_module = MemoizedHelpers.module_for(self) # If we have a module clash in our helper module # then we need to remove it to prevent a warning. # # Note we do not check ancestor modules (see: `instance_methods(false)`) # as we can override them. if our_module.instance_methods(false).include?(name)our_module.__send__(:remove_method, name) end our_module.__send__(:define_method, name, &block) # If we have a module clash in the example module # then we need to remove it to prevent a warning. # # Note we do not check ancestor modules (see: `instance_methods(false)`) # as we can override them. if instance_methods(false).include?(name)remove_method(name) end # Apply the memoization. The method has been defined in an ancestor # module so we can use `super` here to get the value. if block.arity == 1define_method(name) { __memoized.fetch_or_store(name) { super(RSpec.current_example, &nil) } } elsedefine_method(name) { __memoized.fetch_or_store(name) { super(&nil) } } end  end




  def let!(name, &block) let(name, &block) before { __send__(name) }  end


